The March 1949-Georgia Alumni Record


The March 1949 Georgia Alumni Record was a weekly UGA newsletter that included descriptions, photographs, and factual pieces, each enhancing the audience's knowledge of the campus and the University itself. Page 117 presents a unique view which characterizes Mary E. Creswell in a very idealistic light. The article titled “Miss Creswell Receives Award Of Alumni Group”, develops the relentless nature of Creswell as she tore down several boundaries at the University of Georgia, and set a new standard for the abilities of women, specially in their roles at the University.

The articles explains the award that was presented to her and her credible accomplishments that justify the choice. The writer explains that the Alumni Group specifically chose her “to receive the annual award for the most outstanding services to her Alma Mater”. They go on to explain the previous recipients of this very award, listing man after man. Mary E. Creswell was the first woman to receive this honorable award. This elongates the list of the roles that Creswell broke open for women. This list includes achievements such as the first woman to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics in 1919 from the University, and the first woman to become a dean of Home Economics when the department was changed into a college.

By believing in herself, Mary Creswell championed women when for so long they had been in a state of oppression. Through her own pathfinding, she gave them a voice and allowed them to realize the power of believing in the ability to strive for greatness. The Opening Wedge elaborates on this, describing how Creswell provided leadership for programs aimed at increasing women's educational and career opportunities and improving living conditions”(Peek, Gina Gould, Nickols, Sharon Y.). Creswell achieved many roles and titles no one thought to be possible, and she continues to be an inspiration around the UGA campus and beyond still to this day.

The March 1949-Georgia Alumni Record