Women Who Shaped UGA

This exhibit focuses on how three people -- specifically three women -- revolutionized this quest of progress and changed UGA into the University we know today, answering the question, “How has the development of the University of Georgia been influenced by women?” Mary E. Creswell, Charlayne Hunter, and Mary Frances Early changed UGA by being the first female graduate of UGA, the first black female enrolled at UGA, and the first black female to graduate from UGA, respectively. Through their perseverance, bravery, and pathfinding, these women impressed social leaders, inspired students and faculty, and shaped the course of the future of the University of Georgia. By displaying archival resources, we hope to make accessible each of these women’s stories so that current students of UGA will realize their accomplishments and be inspired to make their own efforts to change this university for the better.

--Megan Smith, Lindsey Holland, Brendan Abernathy