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Mapping Nature — Fall 2018 ENGL1102 Composition

Unnamed Tomb Wall Art

Tomb Art.jpg






The artifact pictured is a cut out from a wall in the Theban Necropolis which depicts the stories of the deceased owner of the tomb. These wall arts hold almost all known information of the people that live in these tombs and supply the modern world our main source of information of this time period and its rulers. The Tomb of Pharaoh’s Chancellor Senneferi at Thebes is a recording of all known data over the tomb of this chancellor and more on the tomb itself. Located in the ancient Thebes Nicopolis in the Sheikh Abd el-Qurna district, which is on the west bank of the Nile. The necropolis is divided into several sections and each tomb within the necropolis is labeled by a number. Senneferi was found in TT99 or the 99th discovered tomb which has been under Cambridge's control and excavation since 1992. This book covers all details of his life that archeologists were able to discover just based on his tomb and writings within it. Researchers were able to uncover his family and early life as well as the career he had as chancellor. Sennferi served under three different pharaohs during the 18th dynasty and acted as both treasurer and chancellor under them. Wall writings within his tomb were able to trace his parent's origin within Eygpt back to Heliopolis located on the delta of the Nile. While his parents lacked relevance in history and there's no trace of their lives outside their names it was with ease that researchers found information on all of Senneferi’s titles as they were organized within stages on his life on the wall. Outside of his life accomplishments, this book goes over the architecture of his specific tomb including the layout and wall art as well as geographic and geological data.


Strudwick, Nigel. The Tomb of Pharaohs Chancellor Senneferi at Thebes (TT99) Volume 1. Vol. 1, Oxbow Books, 2016.