English Experience in Savannah

map of sav 1850.JPG

The city of Savannah is a map of Savannah, Georgia in the 1850’s. By this time, the city is already taking the shape it currently has in the 21st century. Compared to English cities like London, Savannah’s city planning is exemplar. The English men that influenced the early building of the city, like George Whitefield, learned from their mistakes back in their homeland. For example, London is traced back all the way to the Roman Empire. It is a city that has had to build on top of itself for centuries, forever expanding everytime a new movement or technology rises. It did not have a chance to plan itself and it is constantly trying to catch up, forever looking for space. The building shapes, the way the streets turn, the space distribution, nothing is organized; as seen in Cross’s New Plan of London. Savannah, on the other hand, was planned ahead of time so that it would survive its further expansions. The streets, building, squares, and public grounds are all even. This evenness and organization makes navigating the city easier for merchants. This is especially important because of Savannah’s proximity to water. In fact, Savannah is an important trade location for the United States, with buildings as the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center which promote business. Thanks to people like Whitefield and their experience, Savannah flourished without the obstacles English cities had regarding city planning.

English Experience in Savannah