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Floor Plan Branch David.jpg
First-floor plan of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas

Aerial View of the Mount Carmel Compound
Aerial view of the Mount Carmel compound where the Branch Davidians led by David Koresh lived

This article describes the downward spiral of the Atlanta Public School system in the 80s when it came to not only enrollment but also test scores.

Screenshot (24).png
A.P. Dearing House creation in 1856

Freedom Rides - Map.jpg
This map gives a visual representation of the Freedom Rides that took place across the southern United States in 1961. These peaceful protests attempted to desegregate public transportation systems and increase freedoms for African Americans.…

Seen here is Girls' High School in 1925. Though the school started out as a few rooms above a shoe store in the 1870s, it eventually was moved to this building as more and more women enrolled over the years.

Slave Distributution Map.png
This map displays the distribution of slaves.

US Army Member Spraying Disinfectant Over Dead Bodies from Jonestown
A member of the US Army sprays disinfectant over the bodies of Jonestown victims before placing them into plastic body bags for removal to Georgetown

Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes were suspended from UGA following a riot that ensued outside of their dorms demanding they leave. This is a letter from some staff at UGA stating how that is unfair to Hunter and Holmes.

1885 Campus and Broad Map.png
The Sanborn Fire Insurance maps were originally given to the Library of Congress to document the history of Athens. These maps are significant because they show a detailed picture of not only buildings but in some causes water mains and other…
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