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An Accountof money Received and Disbursed for the Orphan-House in Georgia.jpg
This book provides a description of the exchanges between the orphan house and its beneficiaries and benefactors during the time of funding and full service.

The works of George Whitefield copy.pdf
A collection of selected sermons George Whitefield taught in a number a places including his tour in America during 1740.

Orphan house map 123.jpg
This image depicts a plan for the Orphan House in Savannah. The large building is the main building for the Orphan House and is surrounded by smaller buildings. This lot includes the orphan house, the infirmary, Work House, Kitchin, Wash House,…

This is an autobiography that discusses George Whitefield's life in Georgia and his charity work.

This is a sermon that Whitefield gave on the night of New Year's Eve.

Letter to the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina chastising the plantation owners for how they treated their slaves. He says as he travelled through these southern colonies that he was “sensibly touched with the miseries of…

In A Brief Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present Situation of the Orphan- House in Savannah written by George Whitefield, he described how the idea for the orphan house came to fruition, the purpose of it and what had been accomplished by the…

George Whitefield wrote this as a way to raise funds and support for the building of the Bethesda Orphan House.

money listing .jpg
This image shows lists of the people that gave money to the Bethesda Orphan House. The book that this image came from explains the goals of the Orphan House and the components that go into making it function, along with the funding that was…

letter for orphan house.jpg
George Whitefield is continuing to deal with money involved in the Orphan House. Personal letters are written to him from donors about Whitefield's teaching's coming through in the actions of the children. These personal letters from donors show…
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