Browse Items (38 total)

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Wooden subway cars designed by the BRT: Inspection tour of City Hall stations

The Union inflates a hot air balloon to do reconnaissance on the battlefield.

Sherman's Telegram.pdf
General Sherman sent a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln after arriving in Savannah, Georgia. This telegram presented Lincoln with the town of Savannah as a Christmas gift from General Sherman.

Seen here is Girls' High School in 1925. Though the school started out as a few rooms above a shoe store in the 1870s, it eventually was moved to this building as more and more women enrolled over the years.

This station was also used by Ulysses S. Grant to provide the Union force with supplies and troops from Pennsylvania.

This photograph shows Henry McNeal Turner High School in Atlanta, GA in 2015. Though it is not open during this time, at its height, it was the most prestigious black high school in the city.

This letter was sent by Horace Park, Union Army chaplain and director of the Freedmen’s Colony on Roanoke Island, to Mack, the rest of the name does not show up. But we can determine that Mack is someone else in the Union Army, because Park tells…

A woman from the north traveled through the south and is recounting her journey through Georgia in a letter to her father.

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This item is a letter from General Sherman to the Quartermaster General. Sherman is described as “high strung, quotable, irritable, irreligious, prone to bouts of anxiety and depression” (McDonough). Although most people know General Sherman’s name…

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This map shows all of the locations of the public schools in Atlanta in 1958
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