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Map of MARTA system in 1975

This map shows the master plans for the University of Georgia as of 1995. The map displays the buildings that embody the university which include: housing, parking decks, academic and other university buildings. It also shows the buildings within…

This image of The University of Georgia’s campus is an aerial view that clearly displays all of the Universities infrastructure. The image shows the location and surrounding area of many buildings that have previously been planned for construction…

George Whitefield.jpg
A letter by George Whitefield to a friend to update him on his progress on his orphan house in Savannah.

Panel title: A guide to your southern region national forests : the national forests, America's great outdoors. "Constructed by automated methods in 1994 in the Regional Office, U.S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Georgia, from USGS 1:2,000,000 DLG data,…

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bethesda letter section.PNG

A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…

This is an address made by Abraham Baldwin about the founding of the University of Georgia a month after the establishment of the charter.


1885 Campus and Broad Map.png
The Sanborn Fire Insurance maps were originally given to the Library of Congress to document the history of Athens. These maps are significant because they show a detailed picture of not only buildings but in some causes water mains and other…
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