Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Atlanta Public Schools


This exhibit presents the history of the Atlanta Public High School system beginning with the first school in 1872. The APS system was originally created to allow white Atlantans to receive a secondary education. However, following the forced integration of high schools in 1961, the black community began taking charge of the public schools. The number of public schools around the edges of the city, the predominantly white neighborhoods, began to diminish but stengthen those that stayed open, while more and more began popping up in the black communities. However, the inner city schools struggle to give students an adequate education. Even today, the white neighborhoods have primarily private schools, giving them better chances for their futures.

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Evolution of Atlanta

Murphy High School Integration.png

Founded in the 1830s, Atlanta has undergone a major transformation to become the city it is today. This exhibition examines the destruction of the city by General Sherman during the Civil War, its postwar reconstruction, the city's cultural and racial divisions through the integration of its public schools, as well as the city's evolution as a transportation hub from railways to airways. The transformation of Atlanta from the rubble left by the Civil War to international prominence by hosting the 1996 Centennial Summer Olympic Games reveals the city's remarkable resilience in overcoming numerous obstacles to become the city it is today.


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