Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Perspectives of the Past


This exhibit looks at Savannah, Georgia, throughout three major time periods from different perspectives. Beginning with the Antebellum Period, a letter from a young woman to her father describes the south as seen by a northerner. During the Civil War, General Sherman is seen traversing through Georgia on his March to the Sea. After the war, Savannah enters Reconstruction, as looked at through a government perspective in terms of city mapping and land ownership. Through these varying perspectives of three different time periods, a more knowledgeable mindset can be taken on when looking at Savannah, Georgia today.

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University of Georgia (1900 - 2000)


This exhibit examines the University of Georgia throughout the 20th century and focuses on the unity of the students through the connection of the archival items. The exhibit first presents the founding document of the University, the Charter, which establishes the initial purpose of the University. From then on the exhibit focuses on co-education at UGA, which was brought on due to the impact of the drafting of males for World War I. The exhibit also captures the first football game in Sanford Stadium, which allowed UGA to be a recognized school within the South. The exhibit then moves to cover World War II, where a Navy Pre Flight program was initiated. Then the University integrated African-American students, which opened the door for other minorities. The most recent items within the exhibit is the Committee on Gay Education poster and photo, which signals the beginning of recognition of the gay community at UGA. This exhibit has allowed for all these items to be connected and presented through the digital format of Omeka. The exhibit captures the main idea that The University of Georgia has evolved into the modern age during the 20th century, where now anyone, regardless of gender or race, can earn a higher education.

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