1996 Centennial Olympic Games

1996 Olympic Torch.jpg

1996 Olympic Torch

For years Atlanta has been building from the ashes into the city that we know today. It has taken setbacks in stride and made the most of every opportunity. Constantly moving forward, Atlanta finally emerged on the world stage to host the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. The Olympic Torch as pictured here traveled from Olympia to the opening ceremony in Centennial Park, and it symbolizes “peace, friendship, tolerance, and hope” (Olympic). These values have had a tremendous impact on the Atlanta community since the city rebuilt itself from the ground up. Starting from nothing, its transformation into a metropolis caught the attention of entire nations, and the 1996 Games was the perfect opportunity for Atlanta to show off its progress. Over two million people visited the city during the Olympics, but Atlanta initially lacked the adequate infrastructure to accommodate the influx of such a large crowd. In preparation for the Games and the people it would bring, Atlanta spent billions of dollars on “hotel expansion, [the] addition of new restaurants and businesses, [the construction of] new athletic facilities, and [improving] existing facilities” (Lipping). This economic boost propelled Atlanta’s efforts towards modernization, the effects of which the city still feels today. The physical, economic, and social challenges that Atlanta has overcome throughout its history prepared it to open its arms to millions of people from around the globe, and the Olympic Torch is like a beacon signaling to the world that Atlanta is ready for recognition. The 1996 Olympic Games firmly established Atlanta on the international scene and acts as a historical hallmark for its progress towards modernity.

Works Cited

Lipping, Alar. “Olympic Games of 1996.” Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2016. EBSCOhost, proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=87994236&site=eds-live.

Olympic Torch, 1996. Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, Georiga, http://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/explore/online-exhibitions/atlanta-in-50-objects/the-centennial-olympic-games

“The Olympic Torch Relay: A Symbol of Peace, Friendship, Tolerance, and Hope.” Olympic, Olympic, 20 Oct 2017, https://www.olympic.org/news/the-olympic-torch-relay-a-symbol-of-peace-friendship-tolerance-and-hope
