Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart or Dianetic and Scientology Processing.

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The image above is a visual representation of rankings within Scientology. The chart was made by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, in 1970. The chart begins with humans in need of change, and works its way up to humans who have achieved freedom by studying Scientology. The chart has two columns: one for Dianetic and Scientology training, while the other is for Dianetic and Scientology processing. Within the two columns, a member of the Church works their way up from a numerical value as low as -34, representing unexistence, to a 20, representing existence. In the "How to Use"portion of the chart, Hubbard claims that the chart is "a route to human recovery and an ultimate expansion of one's ability and power as a spiritual being" (Hubbard). As a member of the Church works their way up the chart, they continue to expand their spirit, and they grow closer to human recovery. In order to work their way up, a member must complete certain certificates and courses. These certificates and courses, however, come at a hefty price. Because Scientologists, believe in reincarnation, salvation to them is limited to this lifetime. Essentially, it is not eternal, but rather "limited to this life, the one the believer is going through at the moment" (Holloway 213). Believers in Scientology often go through sessions in which they recall traumas of their past in order to gain redemptions. These sessions, along with the many courses, certificates, and work associated with Scientology, are necessary for moving up the ranks depicted in this chart. 

Works Cited

​​​​​Hubbard, L. Ron. “Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart or Dianetic and Scientology Processing.” David Rumsey Map Collection, Cartography Associates , 2018,

Holloway, Richard. A Little History of Religion. Yale University Press, 2017.

Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart or Dianetic and Scientology Processing.