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Book about the navy display on campus during the WWII era.

Gay Dance Poster 1972.jpg
Poster and photo of the Committee on Gay Education Dance Event. The poster reads "Intersect sponsers the Commitee on Gay Education dance a non-sectarian function". The Description of the photo reads "Approximatley 500 persons attended dance friday…

UGA Integration.jpg
Photograph of Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes, the first black students to enroll at the University of Georgia. Having met all qualifications for enrolling at the University of Georgia, they are pictured here riding in a car on their first day…

UGA Integration Night Patrol.jpg
Map description of the night patrol of where the number of their members were stationed of the night of January 16, 1961. Judge Bootle ordered the readmission of Hunter and Holmes

Freedom Rides - Map.jpg
This map gives a visual representation of the Freedom Rides that took place across the southern United States in 1961. These peaceful protests attempted to desegregate public transportation systems and increase freedoms for African Americans.…

Murphy High School Integration.png
Martha Ann Holmes and Rosalyn Walton on their first day attending Murphy High School

special order.jpg
A special military order by General William T. Sherman that allotted about 400,000 acres of land along the Georgia Coast to newly freed blacks in the south.

Sherman's Telegram.pdf
General Sherman sent a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln after arriving in Savannah, Georgia. This telegram presented Lincoln with the town of Savannah as a Christmas gift from General Sherman.

map of sav 1850.JPG

A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…
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