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A pamphlet describing what the Hope Scholarship is, how you can receive it, and what you can apply it to.

This letter was sent by Horace Park, Union Army chaplain and director of the Freedmen’s Colony on Roanoke Island, to Mack, the rest of the name does not show up. But we can determine that Mack is someone else in the Union Army, because Park tells…

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Photograph of Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes, the first black students to enroll at the University of Georgia. Having met all qualifications for enrolling at the University of Georgia, they are pictured here riding in a car on their first day…

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A newspaper written by Hunter herself just days after desegregating the University of Georgia accounts how some people are beginning to embrace her. Letters from multiple people unveil how influential Hunter was, and not only at UGA.

Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes were suspended from UGA following a riot that ensued outside of their dorms demanding they leave. This is a letter from some staff at UGA stating how that is unfair to Hunter and Holmes.

Mary Frances Early records her daily life from her time the University of Georgia . Her entries provide insight to her raw emotions of the discrimination she experienced.

A woman from the north traveled through the south and is recounting her journey through Georgia in a letter to her father.

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This item is a letter from General Sherman to the Quartermaster General. Sherman is described as “high strung, quotable, irritable, irreligious, prone to bouts of anxiety and depression” (McDonough). Although most people know General Sherman’s name…

Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter to Mary Frances Early congratulating her for graduating the University of Georgia.

Letter to the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina chastising the plantation owners for how they treated their slaves. He says as he travelled through these southern colonies that he was “sensibly touched with the miseries of…
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