Browse Items (229 total)

This map shows the master plans for the University of Georgia as of 1995. The map displays the buildings that embody the university which include: housing, parking decks, academic and other university buildings. It also shows the buildings within…

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Historic Districts Athens GA

Aerial View of the Mount Carmel Compound
Aerial view of the Mount Carmel compound where the Branch Davidians led by David Koresh lived

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Milledge Avenue 1885

Speaks on Creswell's reception of the Alumni Group Award

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First-floor plan of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas

This image of The University of Georgia’s campus is an aerial view that clearly displays all of the Universities infrastructure. The image shows the location and surrounding area of many buildings that have previously been planned for construction…


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Prospective voters still in line to register 25 minutes after deadline. Lines extend out of courthouse entrance, foreground, to Central Ave. Mitchell St. intersection and beyond. May 6, 1956

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