Browse Items (229 total)

Telegraph map.jpg

This map shows the locations of all the schools in the APS system in the year 1971.

This map shows the locations of all the public schools in the APS system in the year 2018. Each symbol represents a elementary, middle, or high school in the city limits.

Georgia:Atlanta Census Data 1890-1910 (Page 60).pdf
Report from U.S. Census Bureau showing data on the population growth of Atlanta after the Civil War, decades: 1870 to 1910

Adjusted:Edited Map of Sherman's Army Surrounding Atlanta.jpg
Drawn in 1864 by Union mapmaker, Robert Knox Sweden, this map shows the fortified Confederate perimeter of around Atlanta to oppose Sherman's 1864 Invasion.

The works of George Whitefield copy.pdf
A collection of selected sermons George Whitefield taught in a number a places including his tour in America during 1740.

Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 2.08.52 PM.png
George Whitefield was a famous preaching during the First Great Awakening. He is known for his dramatic and fearful preaching style.

Archaic drawing displaying the layout of early Athens and UGA.


The components of the compromise reached between the NAACP and the Atlanta Board of Education

Atlanta strikes bargain.png
News article on perspectives of the compromise between NAACP and Atlanta Board of Education
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