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Screenshot (25).png
Dearing House, Athens (Clarke County)


Picture of Turner Field 1997

Sherman's Telegram.pdf
General Sherman sent a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln after arriving in Savannah, Georgia. This telegram presented Lincoln with the town of Savannah as a Christmas gift from General Sherman.

Scale 1:100,000. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Projection: Universal transverse Mercator. Compiled in 1974 from USGS quadrangles dated 1956-1974. Limited revision from aerial photographs taken 1968, 1972, and 1973, and from available…

Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title in lower right margin: Georgia. Compiled in 1963. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.

Atlanta, 1866, LOC.jpg
Photograph by George Bernard in Atlanta during Civil War, 1864. Supply depot exploded by Union forces under General William Sherman after capture of Atlanta. One of thousands destroyed by Union army during the September 1864 capture, burning, and…

A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…

George Whitefield.jpg
A letter by George Whitefield to a friend to update him on his progress on his orphan house in Savannah.

Bethesda Map.png
A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…
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