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Speaks on Creswell's reception of the Alumni Group Award

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This document lists many of the Massachusetts Colony laws that were worthy of execution if broken. Witchcraft is listed as the second offense.

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This 1692 petition for bail was written by ten women who were unlawfully held in the Ipswich Jail for several months during the Salem Witch Trials.

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This is the earliest known photograph of Old College, taken circa 1875, 71 years after the building was constructed.


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This image depicts a large number of African men sitting on the floor of the slave ship, Wildfire. The slaves were malnourished and deported in overcrowded ships. Although Georgia had restricted the importation of slaves in 1798, the ports near…

A picture depicting the atmosphere of Franklin College in 1855


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George Whitefield was a famous preaching during the First Great Awakening. He is known for his dramatic and fearful preaching style.

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