Browse Items (229 total)

Depiction of the aftermath of the catastrophic crash that occurred in 1918 on the Malborne Street subway line.

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Dearing House, Athens (Clarke County)

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A.P. Dearing House creation in 1856

A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…

Bethesda Map.png
A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…

Book about the navy display on campus during the WWII era.

Updated with entries through 2016, the timeline reflects the history of the domestic epidemic from its origins in illness, fear, and death to our present, hope-filled years.

George Whitefield wrote this as a way to raise funds and support for the building of the Bethesda Orphan House.

A narrative of his life from infancy to young adulthood.

bethesda letter section.PNG
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