Browse Items (229 total)

The Ghetto, New York, 1900-1915.jpg
New York Early years of immigration and ethnic neighborhoods

The Grand Trunk Railroad provides its customers with entertainment and sight-seeing opportunities.

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The atmosphere surrounding the first African American students entering a predominately white school.

Weapon used in the civil war

Speaks on Creswell's reception of the Alumni Group Award

An article written by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about UGA's public statement

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This study highlights a need to increase access to hormonal contraceptives and early STI screening/treatment among blacks, improve HIV testing among whites, and increase condom use promotion for all students.

Georgia:Atlanta Census Data 1890-1910 (Page 60).pdf
Report from U.S. Census Bureau showing data on the population growth of Atlanta after the Civil War, decades: 1870 to 1910

This is a 2 page document paired with a preamble which was written in order to establish the University of Georgia, a public university.

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