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An account of the ruined city of Isaura, in the Isauria district, destroyed several times as an occupied settlement, whose people were known as unruly but hardy. Helped Leo I, Roman Emperor (457-74), to repel Germanic military positions of influence.…

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This dissertation explores the Whitefield's reasoning behind creating the Bethesda Orphan House.

Large-scale, sustainable urban development projects can transform surrounding neighborhoods. Without precautionary policies, environmental amenities produced by these projects, such as parks, trails, walkability, and higher-density development, tend…

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An announcement of the executions in Salem during the Witch Hunts

These letters were sent between four Confederate officers during the early months of 1864. Henry Constantine Wayne and Albert Cowell had to discuss the huge confusion on where to send the soldiers that were sick. This was a major problem during the…

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The transcript shows in-depth the proceedings of the entire case and the points each side made to prove their points

1893 map.jpg
This is a map of Athens in 1893, created by Charles M. Strahan. As you can see, North Campus was the only developed portion of UGA that can be viewed today.
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