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Draft of Ordinance of Secession approved by the Georgia secession convention, January 29, 1861

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George Whitefield was a famous preaching during the First Great Awakening. He is known for his dramatic and fearful preaching style.

Provenance: John Street Methodist Church, New York.
Image material: acetate
Photograph: Ira W. Martin

Sherman's Telegram.pdf
General Sherman sent a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln after arriving in Savannah, Georgia. This telegram presented Lincoln with the town of Savannah as a Christmas gift from General Sherman.

This map provides a visual representation and mapping of the path General Sherman and his Union forces took across Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah during 1864 as part of the Civil War.

This photo of paper is the blueprints of the beginning of contemporary campus, the general plans for north and south campus of the University of Georgia in August of 1947.

Freedom Rides - Map.jpg
This map gives a visual representation of the Freedom Rides that took place across the southern United States in 1961. These peaceful protests attempted to desegregate public transportation systems and increase freedoms for African Americans.…

A picture depicting the atmosphere of Franklin College in 1855


The Union inflates a hot air balloon to do reconnaissance on the battlefield.
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