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Early Car.jpg
Wooden subway cars designed by the BRT: Inspection tour of City Hall stations

Picture of Turner Field 1997

View of Antoine Graves Homes atrium, looking southeast from the top floor

A pamphlet describing what the Hope Scholarship is, how you can receive it, and what you can apply it to.

Mary Frances Early records her daily life from her time the University of Georgia . Her entries provide insight to her raw emotions of the discrimination she experienced.

Mary Creswell and Chancellor Caldwell are seen holding a scroll during a commencement for the Alumni Society of University of Georgia in June 1949.

A photograph of Mary Dorothy Lyndon in front of Peabody Hall.

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This item is a group of letters written by Charles James Martin, a Confederate soldier and member of the 29th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Martin writes these letters to his family during the Atlanta Campaign. He discusses his health and the war…

Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter to Mary Frances Early congratulating her for graduating the University of Georgia.
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