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This 1692 petition for bail was written by ten women who were unlawfully held in the Ipswich Jail for several months during the Salem Witch Trials.

Archaic drawing displaying the layout of early Athens and UGA.


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Location for the executions during the Salem Witch Trials

Two scales were created in order to determine the reliabilities of the results from surverying the population of interest about homophobia and a fear of AIDS. These were compared and the results allowed for a correlation to be created to determine…

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The development, reliability, and validity of a new instrument, the Multicomponent AIDS Phobia Scale (MAPS), is described. Based on a sample of 181 university students, the results indicate that the MAPS has strong internal consistency and moderate…

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This study highlights a need to increase access to hormonal contraceptives and early STI screening/treatment among blacks, improve HIV testing among whites, and increase condom use promotion for all students.

This is a 2 page document paired with a preamble which was written in order to establish the University of Georgia, a public university.

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A wooden anthropoid coffin of Bakenmut that has painted detail on plaster with hieroglyphic text.

Mummy of Cleopatra, wrapped in fine linen bandages with an outer shroud. The bandages wrapped diagonally and horizontally, decorated with polychrome painted full-length representation of Nut, flanked by other deities with a wooden comb, and string of…
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