Browse Items (38 total)

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This item is a chart made by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, describing how to move up through the ranks of Scientology

Two scales were created in order to determine the reliabilities of the results from surverying the population of interest about homophobia and a fear of AIDS. These were compared and the results allowed for a correlation to be created to determine…

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This is a first hand account taken down by Samuel Parris, whose daughter was one of the young girls claiming to be possessed by a witch

US Army Member Spraying Disinfectant Over Dead Bodies from Jonestown
A member of the US Army sprays disinfectant over the bodies of Jonestown victims before placing them into plastic body bags for removal to Georgetown

Aerial View of the Mount Carmel Compound
Aerial view of the Mount Carmel compound where the Branch Davidians led by David Koresh lived

Floor Plan Branch David.jpg
First-floor plan of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas

The rat cap shown is a real rat cap worn by an unnamed freshman in the 1930's.

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This small section of a tomb wall art records the history of the deceased with that tomb.

She is the first woman to graduate from the University of Georgia.


This article, Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals, was written by Lawrence Altman for the New York Times on July 3, 1981 before doctors had an understanding of what AIDS was. At the beginning of the AIDS outbreak, many homosexual men, predominantly in…
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