Browse Items (38 total)

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This is a first hand account taken down by Samuel Parris, whose daughter was one of the young girls claiming to be possessed by a witch

A picture depicting the atmosphere of Franklin College in 1855


This photo of paper is the blueprints of the beginning of contemporary campus, the general plans for north and south campus of the University of Georgia in August of 1947.

The rates (per 100,000 people) of HIV diagnoses in 2016 were 16.8 in the South, 11.2 in the Northeast, 10.2 in the West, and 7.5 in the Midwest.

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Letter to the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina chastising the plantation owners for how they treated their slaves. He says as he travelled through these southern colonies that he was “sensibly touched with the miseries of…

She is the first woman to graduate from the University of Georgia.


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This document lists many of the Massachusetts Colony laws that were worthy of execution if broken. Witchcraft is listed as the second offense.

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First-floor plan of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas

This article, Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals, was written by Lawrence Altman for the New York Times on July 3, 1981 before doctors had an understanding of what AIDS was. At the beginning of the AIDS outbreak, many homosexual men, predominantly in…

Archaic photo of UGA's first college - "Old College".


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