Browse Items (38 total)

Bethesda Map.png
A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…

An Accountof money Received and Disbursed for the Orphan-House in Georgia.jpg
This book provides a description of the exchanges between the orphan house and its beneficiaries and benefactors during the time of funding and full service.

Letter to the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina chastising the plantation owners for how they treated their slaves. He says as he travelled through these southern colonies that he was “sensibly touched with the miseries of…

In A Brief Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present Situation of the Orphan- House in Savannah written by George Whitefield, he described how the idea for the orphan house came to fruition, the purpose of it and what had been accomplished by the…


Updated with entries through 2016, the timeline reflects the history of the domestic epidemic from its origins in illness, fear, and death to our present, hope-filled years.

A drawing of the UGA campus and its relation nearby geographical features and town buildings


special collections tomb.png

phobia stats.PNG
The development, reliability, and validity of a new instrument, the Multicomponent AIDS Phobia Scale (MAPS), is described. Based on a sample of 181 university students, the results indicate that the MAPS has strong internal consistency and moderate…

thebes map pt 1.JPG


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