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black v white.jpg
This study highlights a need to increase access to hormonal contraceptives and early STI screening/treatment among blacks, improve HIV testing among whites, and increase condom use promotion for all students.

Bethesda Map.png
A drawing of the orphan-house and the area surrounding it. There is a religious inscription at the bottom of the drawing that says "Behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed". There are 14 buildings included in the perspective…

This article, Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals, was written by Lawrence Altman for the New York Times on July 3, 1981 before doctors had an understanding of what AIDS was. At the beginning of the AIDS outbreak, many homosexual men, predominantly in…

An Accountof money Received and Disbursed for the Orphan-House in Georgia.jpg
This book provides a description of the exchanges between the orphan house and its beneficiaries and benefactors during the time of funding and full service.

Archaic drawing displaying the layout of early Athens and UGA.


Archaic photo of UGA's first college - "Old College".


A drawing of the UGA campus and its relation nearby geographical features and town buildings


A picture depicting the atmosphere of Franklin College in 1855


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This 1692 petition for bail was written by ten women who were unlawfully held in the Ipswich Jail for several months during the Salem Witch Trials.

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This document lists many of the Massachusetts Colony laws that were worthy of execution if broken. Witchcraft is listed as the second offense.
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