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Archaic drawing displaying the layout of early Athens and UGA.


This is a 2 page document paired with a preamble which was written in order to establish the University of Georgia, a public university.

This photo of paper is the blueprints of the beginning of contemporary campus, the general plans for north and south campus of the University of Georgia in August of 1947.

Thebes Vase.jpg
A vase that's now owned by British Museum which is dated back to the 18th Century found in the Thebes necropolis.

Autobiography of the experiences of Clive Doyle, Matthew Wittmer, and Catherine Wessinger

The rates (per 100,000 people) of HIV diagnoses in 2016 were 16.8 in the South, 11.2 in the Northeast, 10.2 in the West, and 7.5 in the Midwest.

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An announcement of the executions in Salem during the Witch Hunts

Witch Hill.png
Location for the executions during the Salem Witch Trials

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This study highlights a need to increase access to hormonal contraceptives and early STI screening/treatment among blacks, improve HIV testing among whites, and increase condom use promotion for all students.

Archaic photo of UGA's first college - "Old College".


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