Browse Items (32 total)

Atlanta strikes bargain.png
News article on perspectives of the compromise between NAACP and Atlanta Board of Education

Murphy High School Integration.png
Martha Ann Holmes and Rosalyn Walton on their first day attending Murphy High School

book picture .jpg
First-hand perspective of a slave trade taking place. Several details are mentioned in this account, such as the prices used to purchase the slaves, the workers, and the slaves themselves.

Higher Ed.jpg
How various schools in Georgia fought back and eventually were required to integrate

Atlanta, 1866, LOC.jpg
Photograph by George Bernard in Atlanta during Civil War, 1864. Supply depot exploded by Union forces under General William Sherman after capture of Atlanta. One of thousands destroyed by Union army during the September 1864 capture, burning, and…

This is an autobiography that discusses George Whitefield's life in Georgia and his charity work.

This is a sermon that Whitefield gave on the night of New Year's Eve.

George Whitefield wrote this as a way to raise funds and support for the building of the Bethesda Orphan House.

letter for orphan house.jpg
George Whitefield is continuing to deal with money involved in the Orphan House. Personal letters are written to him from donors about Whitefield's teaching's coming through in the actions of the children. These personal letters from donors show…

Bethesda map .jpg
This map depicts a layout of the land where the orphan house is located. The layout for the house includes the main orphan house, an infirmary, a work house, a kitchin, wash house, cart house, a building intended to be a still house, a stable, a…
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