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book picture .jpg
First-hand perspective of a slave trade taking place. Several details are mentioned in this account, such as the prices used to purchase the slaves, the workers, and the slaves themselves.

map of savannah 1586.jpg
Map of the city of Savannah in 1856.

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View of Antoine Graves Homes atrium, looking southeast from the top floor

This map details how professors patrolled the grounds around Charlayne Hunter's Myers Hall dormitory during the first days of integration -- implying the importance of her enrollment to the faculty of the University. Also included is a list of…

Georgia:Atlanta Census Data 1890-1910 (Page 60).pdf
Report from U.S. Census Bureau showing data on the population growth of Atlanta after the Civil War, decades: 1870 to 1910

Adjusted:Edited Map of Sherman's Army Surrounding Atlanta.jpg
Drawn in 1864 by Union mapmaker, Robert Knox Sweden, this map shows the fortified Confederate perimeter of around Atlanta to oppose Sherman's 1864 Invasion.

The components of the compromise reached between the NAACP and the Atlanta Board of Education

Atlanta strikes bargain.png
News article on perspectives of the compromise between NAACP and Atlanta Board of Education

0811_FB_APS (1).jpg
The atmosphere surrounding the first African American students entering a predominately white school.

Higher Ed.jpg
How various schools in Georgia fought back and eventually were required to integrate
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