Browse Items (32 total)

Atlanta strikes bargain.png
News article on perspectives of the compromise between NAACP and Atlanta Board of Education

Adjusted:Edited Map of Sherman's Army Surrounding Atlanta.jpg
Drawn in 1864 by Union mapmaker, Robert Knox Sweden, this map shows the fortified Confederate perimeter of around Atlanta to oppose Sherman's 1864 Invasion.


Higher Ed.jpg
How various schools in Georgia fought back and eventually were required to integrate

Freedom Rides - Map.jpg
This map gives a visual representation of the Freedom Rides that took place across the southern United States in 1961. These peaceful protests attempted to desegregate public transportation systems and increase freedoms for African Americans.…

This map provides a visual representation and mapping of the path General Sherman and his Union forces took across Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah during 1864 as part of the Civil War.

Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 11.06.38 PM.png
Digitized version of former University of Georgia registrar Thomas Walter Reed's unpublished manuscript on the history of the University of Georgia. The site also contains selected photographs of Reed.
Digital images of original manuscripts, scanned…


map of savannah 1586.jpg
Map of the city of Savannah in 1856.

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