Course Collection: 25453

Dublin Core


Course Collection: 25453


Class items for 25453

Collection Items

U.S. Military telegraph construction corps / negative
Members of the construction corps are hanging a telegraph wire possibly in Virginia.

Boys' High School
Seen here is a photograph of one of the first permanent school buildings that Boys' High School had during its height in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Sadly, this building eventually burned down in 1924.

Letter Describing the Antebellum South
A woman from the north traveled through the south and is recounting her journey through Georgia in a letter to her father.

Booker T. Washington School
Seen here is a group of students at the Booker T. Washington High School in the 1950s. The results of a writing contest is being announced by one of the teachers outside of the school building.

Henry McNeal Turner High School
This photograph shows Henry McNeal Turner High School in Atlanta, GA in 2015. Though it is not open during this time, at its height, it was the most prestigious black high school in the city.

General Sherman's Telegram
General Sherman sent a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln after arriving in Savannah, Georgia. This telegram presented Lincoln with the town of Savannah as a Christmas gift from General Sherman.

The Lincoln Gun
Weapon used in the civil war

Federal Observation Balloon
The Union inflates a hot air balloon to do reconnaissance on the battlefield.

Hanover Junction, Pa. August, 1863
This station was also used by Ulysses S. Grant to provide the Union force with supplies and troops from Pennsylvania.
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